Privacy Policy

Updated and effective as of 24 May 2018

At Amara Hotels & Resorts (‘’Amara’’), we strive to ensure that your Personal Data is secure and protected, in compliance with Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (No. 26 of 2012), and that it is used responsibly to deliver services and products of a standard that exceed your expectations. This Policy will apply in our overseas affiliates with the exception that should the local laws be more restrictive, the local privacy laws shall apply.

This Policy will state the information we are collecting, using and disclosing in order to provide services and products to our guests as well as improvements to guest experiences and provide updates on new developments and promotions at Amara.

By accessing and entering this site, you agree to the terms set forth in this Policy.

Type of Personal Data
The information we may collect from you includes your name, gender, date of birth, home/work address, e-mail, contact and fax numbers, credit card information, preferred room types, activities, dining preferences and dietary requirements.

Purpose for Data Collection and Use

  • Provision of hotel services and products
  • Processing bookings, reservations and billing
  • Concierge and other guest facilitation services
  • Organising events or promotions such as art exhibitions or cooking classes at the hotel with other organisations
  • Enquiries and Reservations of hotel rooms and facilities
  • Analysing financial and performance reports for hotel management
  • Market Research via feedback, service quality audits and analysis and review of service standards
  • Contests and Competition

Additional Purposes
Marketing and communications of products and services offered by Amara and its affiliates/partners such as:
Hotel Room Accommodation
Food and Beverage Services
Event Planning and Hosting Services
Recreational Services such as spa, pool and gym services
Promotions from affiliate hotels/businesses (such as retail mall, restaurants) and partners

How we use and disclose your Personal Data
We may disclose your information to affiliates or third parties:

  • when we have your consent
  • delivery of hotel products or services subject to sharing or disclosure of Personal Data (e.g. sharing your dietary requirements with a restaurant you wish to dine in or assisting to book a flight)
  • trusted third party service providers, under contract with Amara, which require your information for transactional, analytical or management services such as credit card processing, market research or database management services
  • to comply with legal, law enforcement and regulatory requirements
  • for fraud protection and credit risk protection
  • in case of emergency and security concerns (e.g. admission to hospitals or police investigation)

Third party service providers and affiliates will comply with Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (No 26 of 2012) and applicable laws to ensure that your Personal Data is secure and protected with the fulfilment of delivery of products and services. While we urge all trusted and carefully selected third party service providers to adhere with strict compliance to the Personal Data Protection Act, we do not hold any responsibilities for their omission or lapses when handling your Personal Data. Rest assured that we do not sell nor trade your Personal Data.

Consent is deemed to be given when you request for services to be delivered or accommodation to be provided for and which your Personal Data is required to fulfil the transaction process and delivery.

We will keep you updated on special offers, promotions, events or any hotel news which may be of interest and related to Amara and its affiliates via mail, email or telephone.

You can withdraw your consent at any time by submitting a request stating clearly your Personal Data to: with reasonable notice and we will endeavour to respond within a reasonable timeframe.

When you volunteer your Personal Data to us, it is to allow us to provide services and products at your request and any subsequent removal or withdrawal will disrupt or cease such services and products.

You can also opt to unsubscribe from our email database by clicking on the ‘Unsubscribe’ link located on the EDM or marketing email sent to you.

With hotels in Singapore and overseas, we may transfer Personal Data via data centres or service providers to and fro countries where we are located in response to your needs and requirements such as arranging hotel stays.

These service providers will comply with the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (No. 26 of 2012) and the local Privacy Laws to ensure that your Personal Data is secure and protected.

To access, correct, update or erase your Personal Data, we will require you to furnish us with your current Personal Data so as to retrieve the Data and verify the authenticity of the request. The request can be sent via email only to: We will respond within a reasonable timeframe.

Personal Data may be stored indefinitely due to financial or legal requirements and applicable local law, as well as to provide a seamless guest experience (e.g. a returning hotel guest will not have to repeat his/her preferences for room arrangement or dietary requirements etc). When you request for your Personal Data to be erased, we will review if it is compliant with the local laws and legal requirements and advise you.

You have the right to ask us for your Personal Data (in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format), in some cases, and to have the information transferred to a third party indicated by you.

You can object to the processing of your Personal Data except in cases whereby there are legal grounds for processing.

Personal Data collected will be stored in a secure environment on servers protected by ‘firewalls’ against external users or unauthorised access. It can only be accessed by authorised persons.

Personal Data submitted on our website are encrypted and protected with industry standard SSL (secure socket layer) communication protocol.

To the best of our endeavours, we will have security measures and procedures in place to secure and protect your Personal Data. However, we cannot guarantee the security of information transmitted over the internet.

A cookie is a unique identifier located in your computer hard drive or mobile devices when you visit our website. It does not reveal your Personal Data nor identity but remembers you (via your internet protocol address on your computer or mobile devices) and your preferences when you visit our website.

Cookies can be disabled via your internet web browser setting but this may disrupt, delay or affect your user experience when you browse or make bookings via our website.

We use Google Analytics to measure how visitors interact with our website content. The Google Analytics security and privacy principles summarises how Google protects information collected through Google Analytics.

You may opt out of the Google Analytics, by installing Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on.

We will not be responsible for your Personal Data once you leave our website for a third party site. You are advised to peruse the Privacy Policy of the third party sites you are visiting. This includes sharing information via third party social media sites such as Facebook or Google+.

If you do not wish to receive any promotional updates or news from us, withdraw consent or to access and update your Personal Data, please contact our Data Protection Officers via:

This Policy may be updated from time to time to comply with legal, regulatory or business requirements and environment. As no prior notice will be issued, please visit this page to peruse changes or updates to the Policy. Your continued use of this website and our services constitute an agreement to the new and updated Policy.

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